Thanks for asking.
Friday was a rough day for both of us but at least I wasn’t the one hurting from 3 hours of nasal surgery and dripping blood. She had a pretty steady nosebleed from the surgical work that had to be left alone to clot on its own good time. Sleeping has been problematic for her for a couple days but she is getting better. Yesterday she was feeling well enough to venture to the Village Inn for supper and the pain meds seemed to be taking care of her discomfort. She’ll be getting better day by day.
I did NOT receive the part I needed for Fish Slayer’s motor so instead I spent the weekend working on the boat and trailer instead of fishing. I built and installed some trailer guides on the back corners along with new rear lights. I’ll get pictures later but the guides are made out of automotive tailpipe tubing and PVC pipe to cover the steel tubing. I put miniature clearance lights on the front and back of the posts near the top with yellow lights facing forward and red lights facing aft. These should make backing the trailer when the boat is off and loading the boat in the dark much easier. Before it was nearly impossible to see the trailer when the boat wasn’t installed and lining up with the trailer in the dark was a real trick too. These new guides should make the entire process more pleasant.
I also installed the missing windshield half and replaced the original aluminum triangle brace with tubular braces. Now Fish Slayer is symmetrical again and I won’t have to fight with the interference of the windshield support and my rod holder. Now if the dang part will arrive this week, I’ll be able to spend some quality hours fishing over Labor Day weekend!